Specifications include, but are not limited to: Burlington Parks, Recreation, and Waterfront (BPRW) seeks to establish a two-year contract with a professional marine services company to provide seasonal underwater inspections, repair, cleaning and maintenance of all BPRW dock components, including moorings and anchoring systems. Routine inspections shall occur each season, up to twice annually and shall be scheduled by BPRW in advance. Work shall occur in cold water conditions and normal summer conditions. Contractor shall inspect all mooring components and recommend repairs and replacement as necessary and make repairs authorized in writing by the city. Contractor shall annually inspect all dock cabling and hardware for damage, corrosion and wear, and report to BPRW in writing all conditions, recommending a repair and replacement schedule as necessary. Contractor shall replace dock floats upon request of BPRW staff. Contractor shall specify exact replacement and repair parts for BPRW to order and shall facilitate orders with vendors when approved by BPRW in advance. Contractor shall be available for emergency repairs and shall provide rates for hours outside of normal business hours if applicable. Contractor shall be available on short notice during emergency situations, including repair to failed dock and mooring anchoring systems