Specifications include, but are not limited to: The work generally consists of: 1. Schedule 1: a. Sewer: Open-cut replacement of approximately 2,934 LF of 8-inch PVC sewer main. Improvements will include removal and replacement of existing manholes, open-cut replacement of existing sanitary sewer service laterals, coring into an existing lift station, and other associated improvements. b. Water: Open-cut replacement of approximately 3,519 LF of 6-inch PVC water main and 759 LF of 8-inch PVC water main. Improvements will include removal of asbestos cement pipe, installation of gate valves, fire hydrants, open-cut replacement of water services, lead service line replacement where encountered including private property, and other associated improvements. c. Streets: Reclamation of existing asphalt, gravel, and removal of valley gutter, sidewalk, and curb and gutter. Installation of salvaged asphalt/gravel base course, approximately 7,520 SY 4” FAA 43 bituminous pavement, 3,487 SY 6” FAA 43 bituminous pavement, 844 SY 9” NDDOT CL 13 surface course, 2,355 LF curb and gutter, 1,401 SF valley gutter, 823 SF sidewalk, 2,568 SF driveway, landscape restoration, RCP and CMP culvert installation, minor grading for stormwater drainage, and other associated improvements. 2. Schedule 2: a. Sewer: Open-cut replacement of approximately 3,627 LF of 8-inch PVC sewer main. Improvements will include removal and replacement of existing manholes, open-cut replacement of existing sanitary sewer service laterals, and other associated improvements. b. Water: Open-cut replacement of approximately 4,516 LF of 6-inch PVC water main. Improvements will include removal of asbestos cement pipe, installation of gate valves, fire hydrants, open-cut replacement of water services, lead service line replacement where encountered including private property, and other associated improvements. c. Streets: Reclamation of existing asphalt, gravel, and removal of valley gutter, sidewalk, curb and gutter. Installation of salvaged asphalt/gravel base course, approximately 14,635 SY 4” FAA 43 bituminous pavement, 5,693 LF curb and gutter, 1,044 SF valley gutter, 2,162 SF sidewalk, 12,210 SF driveway, landscape restoration, minor grading for stormwater drainage, and other associated improvements.