Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Vermont Department of Corrections (DOC), Program Services is seeking therapists to provide community based clinical services in the following counties: Addison, Bennington, Essex, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington, Windham and Windsor. Services in these counties would be via the following Probation and Parole sites: Barre, Bennington, Brattleboro, Hartford, Morrisville, Newport, Rutland, and Springfield. The major goals of the program are to help offenders (1) accept responsibility for sexual offending, (2) modify distorted thinking patterns, (3) enhance victim empathy, (4) control deviant sexual urges, (5) improve social competence, (6) develop relapse prevention skills, and (7) develop community support networks. The institutional and community-based programs are a continuum and adhere to common philosophy and practices. The community-based programs are mandatory for participants, as detailed in their probation warrants, furlough agreements, or reentry plans. Supervision of the offenders is provided by the Department of Corrections and the probation and parole officers receive specialized training in how to supervise sex offenders