Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Create an equipment access ramp with existing beach sand between the armored stones at the south end of the beach, for the purpose of gaining access to the beach with the Contractors equipment. 2. Grade the entire Beach area from the low tide line to the wall. Approximately Two Foot Ten and One Half inches 2’-10 ½” feet below the top level of the seawall. Beginning at the low tide line grade up out to the wall sloped approximately 2% to 3% towards the wall. At the northern most stair entrance grade to approximately Three foot Ten and one half inches 3’-10 ½” 300 feet from top of the seawall to the bottom step. Grading work should commence at the low tide line and work towards the wall. Under no circumstances shall beach sand be removed off State Property. 3. In locations where beach access ramps will be installed by Park Staff, the beach must be graded at a lower elevation to allow the installation of the beach ramps (see paragraph 11, stairwells, ramps and landings). Contractors shall coordinate this work with the NH State Park Staff, and or Seacoast Regional Manager. 4. Level out all sand windrows to provide a smooth beach profile. 5. Debris Removal: If debris is encountered during beach grading operations the contractor is to move the debris to the Parking lot area for collection and disposal by State Park Staff. 6. STAIRWELLS, and LANDINGS: Do not use heavy construction equipment on concrete, or wooden surfaces such as steps, ramps or landings to avoid damage to these surfaces.