Specifications include, but are not limited to: Mowing, Edging, and Weedeating (96%) ▪ At an interval of once every two weeks, mow a 5’ wide, on average, swath from both edges of the Blowing Springs Greenway ranging from it’s intersection with Manchester Drive and eastward until it’s termination at Metfield Park (Approximately 1.9 miles of trail). ▪ At an interval of once every two weeks, mow a 5’ wide, on average, swath along both edges of the Razorback Greenway and connector trail on the eastern and western sides of the Mercy Way Bridge (Approximately 0.21 miles of trail). ▪ With each mow; tree trunks, posts, signs, fences, culverts, etc. require weedeating. ▪ With each mow, trail should be blown of debris and grass clippings. ▪ Trail should be edged 2-3 times throughout the contract; once early, once in the middle, and once as the grass goes dormant for the season. ▪ Every effort should be made to create a safe environment for the contractor and trail and roadway users. ▪ Native wildflowers and pollinators should be present and promoted in identified areas. Please consider removal of non-native invasive species within trail corridor. Trim and Prune Trees as Necessary (2%) ▪ As trees, shrubs, and bushes grow into the corridor of the trail, they may require branch trimming or pruning. ▪ Trees and deadfall that enter the trail corridor may need bucked and dispersed. Miscellaneous (2%) ▪ Maintain sightlines near street and trail intersections for safety of trail users. Ensure growth is low enough for trail users and drivers to see each other.