The Town of Manchester is requesting proposals for production of a scoping study to identify alternatives, issues and costs and provide recommendations related to improving safety and comfort for bicyclists on Main St./VT7A in Manchester, VT. The study is funded in part by the Federal Highway Administration and the Town of Manchester, through the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) Municipal Assistance Section (MAS). The scoping study will assess potential measures to enhance bicycling safety and comfort along Main Street/Route VT7A from Barnumville Road in the Town of Manchester to Prospect Street in Manchester Village. Despite the short distance (1.3 miles) separating the Town of Manchester's village center and Manchester Village, narrow road shoulders, substantial traffic volumes (AADT 8,600 - 11,500), and sharp granite curbs deter many individuals from cycling. The Town of Manchester is the grant applicant and administrator but will develop the study in partnership with Manchester Village to jointly address these issues. Project development must follow the VTrans Municipal Assistance Section (MAS) process.