Specifications include, but are not limited to: To address the challenges with preparing leaders to effectively meet the needs of learners within their buildings, NDE is seeking a vendor to co-construct the the Building Inclusive Leaders program content and implementation cycle. Specifically, NDE is seeking: Development of Institute and Anchor Convening Professional Learning Materials: The development of a suite of professional learning sessions and embedded materials that can be delivered in annual cycles of program implementation. Alongside the structured professional learning sessions, the vendor will curate a suite of resources to be shared via a distal platform determined by NDE for program participants and mentor coaches. THis suite of resources will include a Nebraska school leader insclusive implementation guidebook that will be co-constructied alongside the Year 1 Cohort Prgram Application, Selection and Communication Materials: The development of an application process and embedded materials (e.g. selection criteria), communication resources to leverage during the selection process for program participants and ongoing consultation support during the first two years of implementation. Mentor COaches Application, Selection and Communication Materials: The development of job descriptions, an equitable hiring process with embedded selection criteria and communication resources to leverage during the selection process for mentor coaches to serve in program implementation. Program Implementation Support: Ongoing oversight and preparation of program staff and mentor coaches during the first two years of implementation including< but not limited to, onboarding and training, collection and analysis of implementation data, aligned program adjustments and ongoing recommendations for outsized impact.