General site work includes, the coordination of constructing a concrete slab to support the Kiosk structure with four smaller support footers that will connect to the roof support posts. The Kiosk will be serviced by a new connection to domestic water available from the park’s seasonal fountain system; a connection to existing sanitary sewers laterals in the park; and connections to existing electric and telecommunications systems. The scope includes the following: 1. Install silt fence along eastern work extents at the edge of the rain garden. 2. Provide inlet protection at catch basins in patio area as needed. 3. Remove pavers along existing joints and pour concrete slab for kiosk foundation and column footings; coordinate column footings with Kiosk design/build team. 4. Saw-cut sidewalk along existing joints and core through seatwall foundation to install water service line and associated valves and fixtures; ensure connection is made with curb stop and blow off so that the fountain can continue to be winterized. 5. Install sanitary sewer service line and associated fixtures, core new hole to connect at existing manhole. 6. Restore all disturbed site finishes to original condition. 7. Install conduit from existing line to proposed electric service box and pull new wires for kiosk power. 8. Complete water and sanitary connections to Kiosk and perform necessary tests for functioning. Work must be performed by a Licensed Plumber. 9. Complete electric connections to Kiosk and perform necessary test for functioning. Work must be performed by a Licensed Electrician. 10. Connect the downspout from the kiosk roof to a level spread east of the patio