Specifications include, but are not limited to: RWU’s SCADA environment needs to be redeployed with an updated system architecture and new software. RWU is seeking advice regarding the best configuration of the systems for operational efficiency and security. RWU is also seeking advice on selecting an HMI platform that is best suited to its operational needs. The selected firm(s) may be asked to perform any of the following tasks, and other related tasks: A. Conduct an initial Survey of RWU’s existing SCADA systems and provide recommendations for an updated system architecture including server configuration, network design, and domain services; system architecture should account for security, redundancy, and maintainability; B. Provide recommendations for SCADA related software including HMI, historian, alarming, secure remote access, development tools, and logging; C. Provide recommendations for replacing any end-of-life hardware; D. Provide implementation strategy of SCADA related software and services; E. Execute the implementation of the updated system architecture and any SCADA related software. F. Provide periodic evaluation of systems and practices implemented and provide recommendations for adjustments; G. Provide online, and (as needed) onsite support services; This is a preliminary scope of services. In accordance with Ark. Code. Ann § 19-11-805 (a), after a firm is selected, RWU and the selected firm will jointly prepare a detailed, written description of the scope of the proposed services.