Specifications include, but are not limited to: The goal of the master plan is to provide a vision and strategy for the development and connectivity of parks, trails, and open space within the city. The plan will include a detailed analysis of the current conditions and potential opportunities for growth and development, as well as recommendations for specific initiatives to be implemented over the next 1-2 years. It is anticipated the development of this Open Space and Parks Master Plan will be centered around the following base components: Current parks, open space, recreation, trail and sidewalk connections; Opportunities for additional parks, recreation, open space, trail, and sidewalk connections; Additional plan components anticipated: Sense of arrival and destination – gateways and nodes; Access to ecological and natural features; Provide strategies for short/mid/long-term implementation, including direction for the implementation of multi-source funding mechanisms for trail, sidewalk, public spaces; Review of existing subdivision code and development standards related to parks, open space, and active transportation infrastructure and provide recommendations on changes to provide alignment with the Open Space and Recreation Master Plan; Development and coordination of a Project Steering Committee; Provide Best Management Practices for determined Recreation Zones; Provide checklist for review of compliance with Open Space Plan as part of development review process