Specifications include, but are not limited to: STATE is soliciting proposals for a single entity to provide Right Track services in Grand Forks, Nelson, Pembina, and Walsh counties in North Dakota. The successful offeror must: Identify infants or toddlers that may be at-risk for developmental delays. Provide developmental screenings. Refer family to other services, as appropriate. Provide evidence-based child development information to families. Ensure children meet the definition "at-risk infants and toddlers" as children younger than three years of age who have environmental or biological risk factors for developmental delays or parental concern regarding development. Ensure that children who are not eligible to receive Right Track services do not receive a Right Track home visit (e.g., children receiving Developmental Disabilities (DD) Program Management, Early Head Start, Baby Face, or other child-focused home visiting supports). Ensure that the family is aware that participation in Right Track services is voluntary and provided at no cost to the family. Work collaboratively with STATE's Infant Development and DD Program Management in providing referral source and public awareness training regarding Early Intervention Services for Infants and Toddlers. Ensure that all training identify a single referral point at STATE's regional Human Service Center. Distribute the Right Track brochure, developed by STATE, to potential referral sources and families. Contact the family within two weeks of receipt of the referral. Complete the Right Track initial screening within four weeks of receipt of the referral. Refer all children who may qualify for early intervention services to the regional DD Program Management office within two days of Right Track screening. Provide follow-up material to address family concerns within two weeks of the Right Track initial screening. Provide Right Track visits at times convenient for families, including evenings and weekends. Provide Right Track screenings in an environment that is natural for all infants and toddlers and familiar to the child being screened. Screenings cannot take place in a clinic setting or during a mass screening activity. Provide training to staff, conducting Right Track visits, in using approved screening tools. Provide training to staff, conducting Right Track visits, to ensure staff is knowledgeable of child development and familiar with community resources. Ensure that staff conducting Right Track screenings/visits have at least a bachelor’s or master’s degree in one of the following fields (certification or licensure in one of the below fields is not required, but recommended): Social Work, Psychology, Counseling, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Child Development and Family Science, Communication Science and Disorders, Audiology, Speech Pathology, Special Education, Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Special Education; and Experience in early childhood, for example: completing screenings/assessment, completing home visits, providing services to infants/toddlers & their families, etc.