Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Provide a designated project manager. • Provide a construction schedule. • Provide and implement a traffic control plan. • Provide adequate erosion control measures to protect adjacent natural resources in accordance with all state and local regulations. • Obtain all necessary permits. • Confirm the location of all existing utilities in the field. • Replace site features after completion of installation as noted on plans. • Install 188 linear feet of 12” HDPE storm drain, 126 linear feet of 12” HDPE underdrain, and seven 4-foot catch basins. • Remove and Replace 32 linear feet of bituminous concrete curbing. • Maintain all existing infrastructure including use of supports or other apparatuses to prevent damage while excavation takes place as needed or directed by the engineer. • Maintain flow of existing storm drain at all times. • Restore all pavement and curbing disturbed during the project as shown on plans. • Restore all vegetated areas.