Specifications include, but are not limited to: The system must: • Support access for 300+ concurrent users. • Have an interactive GIS map with individual layers that can be turned on or off. Layers must include at a minimum current wind, air temperature, pavement temperature, bridge temperature, subsurface temperature, dew point, and precipitation. Other displays are encouraged. Proposers are encouraged to include in their proposals a link to a sample website. • Have current station views which show all the current data from a selected station. Station selection can be via either the map display or a sortable list. • Display historical graphs and tables showing data from a selected date/time period and station. A user must be able to retrieve all data collected from any non-image data type. • Have an export tool for downloading historical data from a selected date/time period and station into a text file, comma separated values, and/or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. • Provide a visual alert when there is missing and/or errant data. Errant data will be identified via a quality check algorithm. • Provide complete station configurations, including all sensor configurations for use by WisDOT’s Project Manager, their designee, and/or their RWIS maintenance service provider. • Provide user interface through a hosted, web-based, device/browser-agnostic interface. • Be accessible via a mobile application interface, such as tablets and/or smartphones. The System must collect imagery and sensor data on a regular schedule from all WisDOT RWIS weather stations a minimum of every 10 minutes. The system will poll OTT Hydromet stations directly via cellular modem. WisDOT has set up one RPU for proposers to use for test purposes. Information needed to access this site is as follows and will be provided to individual vendors upon request.