Specifications include, but are not limited to: acquire a SaaS to manage its transit providers and transit assets (rolling stocks and equipment) data. Functionality to be provided by the SaaS includes tracking of vehicle procurement data, annual collection of Public Transportation Management System (PTMS) data (transit vehicle inventory and condition), and semiannual collection of mileage updates on vehicles directly from transit providers over the web; vehicle disposal tracking, and production of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) mandated reports such as the National Transit Database (NTD) reporting against the annual State of Good Repair (SGR) targets. There are slightly different data collection and reporting requirements for various categories of transit providers based on the funding sources and other metadata, which the SaaS must be able to accommodate. The Department has launched an initiative for a centralized Public/Citizen Portal. Once that is implemented, if the Department were to determine that this tool would be the appropriate tool for this system to create and/or maintain external user identities and/or authentication, the Department expects to enter into a task order under the contract for the prompt execution of that modification. This system will replace an MS Access Vehicle database and a set of Excel spreadsheets, eliminating many labor-intensive manual processes such as the annual collection of PTMS data on paper forms.