Specifications include, but are not limited to: Public Safety Enhancement Team: The Public Safety Enhancement Team was formed in August 2022, in response to Governor Scott’s Public Safety Enhancement & Violence Reduction 10-Point Action Plan Framework. The Governor has directed relevant state agencies/departments with public safety, social service, substance abuse prevention and treatment and mental health missions to identify and track “hot spots,” repeat offenders and others known to law enforcement and social service providers. The objective is to swiftly deploy needed interventions and/or services and to actively disrupt patterns and prevent interactions with the criminal justice system. In response, multiple State agencies and departments have been meeting weekly to develop strategies and build a mapping tool. PSET’s goal is to reorient policies and improve coordination among programs and systems for better health and safety outcomes. The agencies and departments have been directed to apply the principles of the State’s nationleading Pandemic Response to measure activity and respond in real-time, identify causal factors and take action to prevent crime and better serve Vermont’s most vulnerable. Community Engagement: The critical work of the PSET is to use data to identify “hotspot” communities for prioritization to swiftly deploy needed interventions and/or services to actively disrupt patterns and prevent interactions with the criminal justice system. This means marshalling available State resources, including representatives from the local barracks, AHS and DOL field offices and community corrections officers, to work collaboratively with local communities in a multi-disciplinary manner to: 1. Use data to identify and agree on actionable people, places and behaviors that are causing significant community harm. This includes those who by nature of their health challenges are over using police and social service resources. 2. Identify existing, and when necessary, develop and improve, working relationships, knowledge of available resources and information sharing among relevant community partners. a.Develop actionable coordinated responses designed to improve public safety and health in targeted community hot spots. b.Develop metrics for measuring efficacy of the targeted initiatives. c. Recognizing the services available to different communities will vary, create a roadmap for improving the resiliency, capacity, and capabilities of each State/community collaboration to sustain outcomes. When necessary, identify and report to the Governor on inequities in resource distribution among towns and counties needed to achieve or sustain improved outcomes.