Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Consultant shall complete the following Scope of Work: 1. Preliminary (60%) and Final Design (100%) Plans: The Consultant will develop preliminary and final engineering plans and a cost estimate for the active floodplain restoration project at the “Holmes Meadow” property off River Road West in Johnson, VT. The consultant will have access to all previous plans (10%) and work already completed in previous steps of this project. The previous plans and relevant documents have been attached for use in the development of proposals. Final design planning will include a check-in with project partners for review at 60% and 90% completion of final design plans. Seth Jensen, LCPC Deputy Director, and Victoria Hellwig, LCPC Planner, will provide project partners coordination and act as a liaison between project partners and the hired engineer. The LCPC will manage the FRCF Grant and submit progress reports and deliverables to the grant funder (VEM). Final design plans of the Floodplain Restoration Project should include the following references: • As applicable, note floodplain elevation changes associated with the floodplain restoration project. • Updated plans for stream buffer and other restoration/plantings efforts planned on the Holmes Meadow parcel as part of the larger floodplain restoration project referenced above. • Mark/reference on the final design plans preferred locations for a new river access down to the Lamoille River. The Town of Johnson and partners are considering establishing an additional river access in a less steep, more accessible location just west of the current river access point. • VFWD is likely to request minimal impact to trees >4” DBH already established along the streambank. 2. Cost Estimate: The consultant will provide the LCPC and the Town of Johnson with a detailed initial cost estimate with the Preliminary (60%) Design Plans and an updated final cost estimate for all work to be completed in the final design plans. 3. Permitting Assistance: The consultant will assist the LCPC and the Town of Johnson in determining and securing all necessary permits for the construction phase. Anticipated permits include NEPA documentation, if required by Vermont Emergency Management (VEM). An Army Corps of Engineers Permit and VTANR Stream Alteration Permit will be required if final design includes work below the ordinary high-water mark. Funds for a Phase 1 ESA are also included, if required by VEM. Finally, the LCPC reached out to the Vermont State Department of Historic Preservation (VDHP) to confirm whether a Phase I archeological survey will be required for this project. VDHP determined an Archaeological Resource Assessment (ARA) is required (see attached communications), and a qualified archaeology consulting team is under contract to complete this work in the Spring of 2024.