Specifications include, but are not limited to: Construction, Sidewalks/Curbs/Gutters, Street/Road Asphalt Milling, ADA Curb Ramps, Grade and Surface, Pavement Resurface and Rehabilitation, Street/Road Materials, Erosion Control - Temporary, Paving (Asphalt or Concrete), Traffic Control Devices (Signals, Signing, etc.), Street/Road Lane Construction and Repair, Street/Road Pavement Marking, Street/Roadway Reconstruction , Utility Street Construction and Excavation, Street/Road Repairs, Signage, Paving (Highway, Road or Street). Work includes but is not limited to excavation, base installation, 4,750 SF of concrete sidewalk and concrete driveways, traffic control, erosion control and site restoration. Jackson Ave: Work includes but is not limited to approximately 425 feet of roadway excavation, base installation, concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, storm sewer, traffic control, erosion control and site restoration.