Vendor shall provide snow plowing and shoveling ensuring no more than two (2) inches of accumulation at any given tie accumulates unless otherwise specified to less than two (2) inches (see below). o Driveway entrances and exits shall have a clear view of oncoming traffic. o Vendor shall be required to return during all winter storms to ensure all travel lanes, parking spaces, walkways, entrance ways and emergency exits are cleared from ice, slush buildup and snow and will be bare pavement prior to leaving the locations(s). Rock salt and sand should be utilized in parking lots and only magnesium, potassium chloride or approved salt substitute should be utilized on walkways (all building sidewalks, means of egress, doorways and overhead doors are included). o Salting and or sanding shall occur at any time the conditions warrant. Examples shall include but are not limited to; freezing rain, black ice, sleet, spring melt off and snow drift clean up. o After a storm is complete all travel lanes, parking spaces, walkways and entrances or access areas to buildings shall be cleared of snow, ice and treated. o All compound gates shall be cleared of snow and ice in order to effectively open freely. Vendor shall remove snow and ice from all motor pool gates (inside and outside of gate structures). Any snow and ice that prevents or hinders the complete and full operation and or movement of the gates shall be removed by the Vendor