Specifications include, but are not limited to: 2.1.1. The selected Vendor must collaborate with the thirteen (13) New Hampshire CAHs to implement training activities in accordance with the ACA, initiate peer learning collaboratives, and offer technical assistance. 2.1.2. The selected Vendor must determine training needs based on the results of the annual SHIP needs assessment conducted by the Department’s Rural Health Manager and ensure all training activities are pre-approved by the Rural Health Manager. Training activities include, but are not limited to: Participating in Medicare Shared Savings Programs, including Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). Improving data collection through the purchase of health information technology and data management tracking software to comply with quality improvement activities, including advancing patient care information, promoting interoperability, and payment bundling. Medicare billing and coding training. 2.1.3. The selected Vendor must consult with CAHs interested in becoming part of an ACO and provide information on how Shared Savings Programs can support CAHs with joining and/or creating an ACO. 2.1.4. The selected Vendor must develop and conduct at least one (1) Medicare billing and coding training per year. The selected Vendor must ensure: Medicare billing and coding training curriculum covers billing and coding training with required Medicaid updates and supports the CAH revenue streams by ensuring maximal reimbursement for services is obtained. Medicare billing and coding trainings are provided to the CAH staff at no charge. 2.1.5. The selected Vendor must maintain an electronic Medicare billing and coding training attendance list that includes telephone and email contact information for each attendee, to be given to the Department’s Rural Health Manager no later than two (2) weeks following each training.