he College has a need for catering services campus wide for both small and large events, daily meals for student programs, and multiple external guest events annually. Catering services under this RFP may be for a variety of needs, including: Small catering events (less than 50 attendees) and large catering events (50+ attendees). Small catering events include: executive level meetings, frequent luncheons, Black History Month event, Hispanic Heritage Month event, board meetings and small group meetings with high school-age students. Large events include: campus picnics (200+ attendees), Holiday Receptions (250+ attendees), a Veterans Day event (approx. 100 attendees) and other events added as needed. Additionally, there is also a need for catering services during the summer months when youth programs like Upward Bound High School Programs host students for the summer. We seek a caterer to provide daily boxed or individual meals, both breakfast and lunch, for students in these programs during the summer months. Typically, these programs also host end of the year celebrations (100+ attendees), which is a formal affair with a sit-down dinner and dessert. Lastly, some programs are funded by grant dollars and their funds will be limited. Therefore, we are seeking caterers who can provide flexible options to meet funding limitations.