Specifications include, but are not limited to: In March of 2023, a small parcel located by the Centerville Brook Dam was sold to the Town of Hyde Park. Spring of 2023 the Town of Hyde Park met with state and regional partners from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, the Vermont Natural Resources Council, and the Lamoille County Planning Commission to evaluate this site for a potential dam removal and wetland restoration project. This project is located in Hyde Park along Centerville Brook, on a 0.25-acre parcel near the intersection of Centerville Road and Brook Road. Summer of 2023 the Town of Hyde Park applied for funding through the Lamoille Basin Clean Water Service Provider to pursue preliminary design engineering for this site. In fall of 2023 the Town of Hyde Park transferred project sponsorship and the awarded grant to the LCPC to manage and provide project coordination support. This scoping study will include a flood analysis and alternatives analysis to explore different options for the site. The existing wetland habitat has been established over the last 90 years with the dam installed in 1932. There is a fair amount of sediment impounded behind the dam. This preliminary design work will help plan for a partial or full dam removal and potential wetland restoration project. These efforts will improve aquatic organism passage and explore maintaining the existing wetland habitat and re-establishing a natural stream channel to enhance flood water capacity and improve water quality. Design plans must consider the existing use of the dry hydrant on site and continued emergency access.