The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) is seeking proposals from Proponents to develop the Equitable Access to Mobility Action Plan, which will identify where and what types of sustainable and equitable transit and mobility infrastructure should be installed to enhance accessibility and opportunity in a cluster of disadvantaged communities in/around the Las Vegas valley's eastside and urban core. The Equitable Access to Mobility Action Plan will identify where and what types of sustainable and equitable transit and mobility infrastructure should be installed to enhance accessibility and opportunity in a cluster of disadvantaged communities in/around the Las Vegas valley's eastside and urban core. The infrastructure recommendations will be derived from extensive community and stakeholder engagement to ensure actual community needs are prioritized. Central to the project will be identifying priority locations for mobility hubs within the study area and developing conceptual designs and amenity packages for each. Through the project, the RTC also intends to enhance local understanding of equity — especially within the context of governance, capital investment, and transportation — and demonstrate how to meaningfully incorporate equity, as well as social and environmental justice, in the public sector decision-making process.