Specifications include, but are not limited to: completing concrete pavement repairs and incidentals on 45th Street South from I-94 to 32nd Avenue South and on 32nd Avenue South from 42nd Street South to 45th Street South. This project will also include lane widening and intersection improvements on 32nd Avenue from 42nd Street to 45th Street South. Purpose The purpose of the project is to correct deficiencies that have appeared over time. Joint and random spalls, longitudinal and transverse cracking, pavement blowouts, and pavement deterioration are present on these pavement sections. The proposed project will aid in extending the useful life of these arterial streets by restoring the pavement's structural integrity, therefore delaying future deterioration and improving ride quality. Sections of sidewalk along the arterial street system will also be updated to meet new standards for the Americans with Disabilities Act. In addition, the widening of 32nd Avenue from four to six through lanes will help alleviate traffic congestion, improve business access and reduce the potential for accidents.