Specifications include, but are not limited to: Finalize the workshop agendas including breakout sessions. Finalize contract with venue including but not limited to: o Room reservations o Table / chair layout o Vendor layout o Check-in layout o Meal planning (two lunches, continental breakfast, snacks, refreshments (coffee, water)) Coordinate audio/visual contract with vendor or with venue. Coordinate speaker logistics. o Recruit speakers with demonstrated knowledge and speaking experience on targeted agenda topics. o If fees are required, work with SD DOH to draft contracts. o Coordinate hotel and travel logistics and payment. o Ensure speakers’ presentations are aligned with learning objectives. o Attain speaker PowerPoints two weeks before the conference. Market and coordinate vendor booths. Issue invoices for booths. Design all digital and print-ready materials, signage, agenda, table tents, posters, and name tags. Coordinate with SD DOH committee and communications and obtain pre approval before publication. Market the conference using social media, email, and direct outreach to the target audiences. Queue all materials prior to conference and lanyards with name tags, and handouts. Outline all conference positions (room monitors, registration table). Communicate with everyone working at the conference several days ahead of the conference. Draft the travel reimbursement form for SD DOH review and approval. Send to attendees. Draft script for moderators. Draft “run of show” to outline logistics for pre-event, event, and post-event. Draft conference survey for attendees. Set up venue including but not limited to attendee tables, breakout rooms, registration, and vendor booths. Work at and monitor the registration table throughout the conference. Ensure “run of show” is on track. Ensure speakers know where they should be and are comfortable with laptops/slides. Ensure conference volunteer workers understand assignments. Address questions. Address attendee and vendor questions. Send electronic survey to attendees. Announce the survey link to attendees. Announce directions on how to submit travel reimbursement forms. Tear down the conference venue after conference.