Specifications include, but are not limited to: ND DOCR needs to make a purchase for a reading curriculum for teaching adults how to read. (this is to include teaching how to read English to English Language Learners) ND DOCRWe isare required to use scientifically based, evidence-based, and research-based reading curriculum in teaching reading in North Dakota by N.D.C.C. § 15.1-21-12.1.. We have introduced a program that works for reading levels 4th grade to 8th grade (which is the reading level needed to be successful on the GED test), but we are in need of an evidence-based reading program for those that are unable to read through the 3rd grade reading level to continue to increase learning and understanding in order to be prepared to take and pass GED tests. The Reading Program requirements are: Geared to adult learners Teaching how to read English to English Language Learners Scientifically based, evidence based and research based Beginning reader to the 3rd grade Supplementary materials Student computer software Teacher’s manual Teacher lesson plans and activities Provide progress monitoring