Specifications include, but are not limited to: BATTERY BRANDS % DISCOUNT OFF MSRP (Maximum Points=500) C&D Technologies % Enersys Batteries % GNB Batteries % Northstar Batteries % AVERAGE % DISCOUNT 0 BATTERY RACKS % DISCOUNT OFF MSRP (Maximum Points=200) C&D Technologies % Enersys Batteries % GNB Batteries % Northstar Batteries % AVERAGE % DISCOUNT 0 SERVICE LEVEL HOURLY RATES RATE PER HOUR (Not-to-exceed, fully loaded) Maximum Points=300) Service Level 1 Installation, maintenance and repair of chargers/battery plants and UPS Systems per Telcordia Standards or prevailing State Standards 30 Minute Technician Response, 2 Hours Technician Onsite, 2 Hour Quote Response $ Service Level 2 Installation, maintenance and repair of chargers/battery plants and UPS Systems per Telcordia Standards or prevailing State Standards 30 Minute Technician Response, 4 Hours Technician Onsite, 24 Hour Quote Response $ Service Level 3 Installation, maintenance and repair of chargers/battery plants and UPS Systems per Telcordia Standards or prevailing State Standards 24 Business Hour Technician Response, Technician Onsite As Scheduled, 72 Hour Quote Response