Specifications include, but are not limited to: Per recommendations listed in CBS’s structural report and data listed in PSI’s geotechnical report, awarded contractor shall correct deflection or leaning issues associated with the identified precast walls and then size and install helical piles sized sufficiently to properly support the footings and walls. The following shall be included as part of the scope of work: The area near the mechanical walls has several underground utilities. Contractor shall have all utilities marked prior to any earthwork. Due to the underground utilities located near these walls, contractor shall also include hydroexcavation for the top 5 feet of soil in areas of needed excavation. Contractor shall also keep the excavation area to the minimum area needed to straighten the footings and wall and to install the helical piles. Contractor shall be responsible to haul away and dispose of any excess excavated material that will not be reused as fill. Protect sidewalk and parking lot surfaces from heavy equipment as needed in order to prevent damage. Straighten, alien and level the walls as best as reasonably possible in order to get them close to the original design specs. Support footings and install helical piles per CBS’s recommendation. Contractor shall have a certified designer properly size the helical piles per the information provided in the reports. Contractor shall also have the owner’s consultant (CBS Squared) review submittals for the helical piles sizing for approval prior to installation.