Specifications include, but are not limited to: The project includes the some milling and placing new hot mix asphalt surface on a portion of Outer Hammond Street (Route 2), in Bangor, Maine, and will include some curb replacement, roadway widening, along with other incidental work. The project includes the some milling and placing new hot mix asphalt surface on a portion of Outer Hammond Street (Route 2), in Bangor, Maine, and will include some curb replacement, roadway widening, along with other incidental work. The Outer Hammond Street Resurfacing Project is a Maine Federal Aid Project No. STP 2693(200)X, MeDOT WIN 26932.00, located along a portion of Outer Hammond Street starting at Dorrs Equipment and extending westerly 0.43 miles to the Bangor town line, Bangor, Maine. Description of Work The work contemplated under the terms of this contract consists of the following general items of work: • Cold plane (mill) portions of existing pavement, as shown on the plans. • Place 4” of 12.5mm HMA base pavement in areas of cold plane. • Overlay existing roadway with 12.5mm H.M.A. surface pavement. • Remove existing material and provide full depth pavement structure at new radius as shown on plans. • Replace existing bit. Curb with slipform concrete curb as shown on the plans. • Perform other work as shown on the plans.