Specifications include, but are not limited to: Work will be in accordance with the City of Franklin Standard Specifications (2000) including the following special notes: Cleanout (4” Tee Wye sweeps) must be placed at or near each property line with a box and lid. Existing cleanouts are to be modified to add the box and lid. Contractor must call the City for inspection before any backfilling commences. Manholes must have Zypex additive per manufacturer’s recommendations. Manholes must be vacuum tested with City inspector witnessing the test. Sewer lines must be camera inspected for a minimum of 30 days following the project completion. The contractor is to provide a written report of the inspection and a video on a thumb drive to the Sewer Department. The contractor will be responsible for repairing any line defects observed in the camera process. Gravity sewer lines are to be ASTM D-3024 SDR 35. 6” of # 8 washed stone is to be used for pipe bedding. A minimum of 6”-12” of #8 washed stone is to be used for pipe covering. Driveways will require #57 stone (plate compacted) to subgrade. Driveway finish surface shall match the existing condition (6” of stone, 4” of concrete (4000 psi) or 3” of asphalt driveway topping. The Robey Street open cut repair will be completed in accordance with KYTC specifications...