This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being issued by the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) to solicit proposals from bona fide, qualified Proposers, individuals and firms registered by DPH as certified vendors to perform abatement/removal of leadbased paint and/or Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) work of homes selected by DPH. Abatement/removal services will be based upon the prepared scope of services developed by an DPH certified Risk Assessor. The applicant or applicants selected will act on behalf of DPH to provide such services for the homes selected for the abatement, remediation, removal, specialized cleaning, repairs, renovation, painting and/or interim controls. As a part of these services, the Vendor will: 1. Provide all personnel, equipment, supplies, subcontractors (including disposal) for the abatement, remediation, interim controls, repair, renovation and/or painting of identified lead-based paint hazards to include paint, dust, and soil. 2. Maintain the appropriate and up-to-date U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved personnel training and DHSS firm and individual certifications for lead-based paint abatement and/or RRP supervisors and workers. 3. Perform work in a timely manner and in accordance with the specification to be developed for each project location. 4. Make all appropriate notifications and obtain all permits to building departments, local municipalities, State Agencies, etc. 5. Coordinate abatement activities with the property owner, tenants and DPH. 6. Provide a firm, fixed price for each project and a schedule based on the specification, or Lead Risk Assessment, provided for the project location.