Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Consultant shall complete the following Scope of Work: 1. Preliminary Design (30%) Plans: The Consultant will develop preliminary engineering plans and a cost estimate for the Gulf Road Bridge Replacement and Floodplain Restoration Project located over the Wild Branch in Wolcott southeast of the intersection of North Wolcott Road and Gulf Road. Past site visit notes, and 10% design plans have been attached for use in the development of proposals. Preliminary design planning will include meetings with project partners including a project kickoff meeting/site visit, and a 30% design plans review meeting. The hired consultant should plan for at least one check-in meeting with the Wolcott Selectboard to review proposed design plans during the development of the 30% design. See attached milestones from the Lamoille Clean Water Service Provider Grant agreement for details regarding required deliverables for preliminary design engineering. Meghan Rodier, Regional Planner, will provide project partners coordination and act as a liaison between project partners and the hired engineer. The LCPC will manage the Grant and submit progress reports and deliverables to the grant funder (NRPC). Preliminary design plans of the Gulf Road Bridge Replacement and Floodplain Restoration Project should include the following: • Estimated phosphorous reduction of the proposed project • As applicable, note the change in the floodplain elevation • Include hydraulic modeling to appropriately size the proposed bridge replacement and understand how a wider span bridge and upstream/downstream floodplain restoration including flood benches could mitigate erosion/scour in this area and reduce flooding along the Wild Branch. Hydraulic modeling will also help partners understand the expected change in the stream channel/flow if these flood mitigation alternatives were implemented. • Design plans should give consideration for how these mitigation measures may impact neighboring properties. • 30% design plans should consider upstream/downstream floodplain restoration opportunities in addition to upsizing the Gulf Road Bridge. • Gulf Road Bridge designs should consider opportunities to make the bridge a twolane bridge to accommodate the flow of traffic and consider pedestrian facilities (sidewalks) on the bridge. The LCPC conducted traffic counts on Gulf Rd in 2023 and will share this information upon request. • 30% design planning should include a Benefits Cost Analysis. 2. Preliminary Cost Estimate: The consultant will provide the LCPC and Town of Wolcott with a preliminary cost estimate for the preferred alternatives (Bridge Replacement/Floodplain Restoration) to be completed as proposed in the 30% design plans. The cost estimate should include a contingency for construction. The 30% design plans should include a Benefit Cost Analysis...