Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Summer Concert Series at the Park is a series of Friday & Saturday night music concerts that will be performed at the Highlands Pub at the Park. Sponsorship entails paying for the bands that perform at the events and advertisement. Cancellation of any of the events or the transfer of the event to indoors will be determined by the Park. The concerts will be conducted in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidance for musical venues. The Kentucky Department of Parks is looking for $500.00 per each week to cover the cost of the performers and some advertising for the event. What the sponsor will receive for investment: # Placement of banners each weekend of sponsorship. # The right to banner the stage/performance area during the events. # Mention on all advertising purchased by the park for the events. # Promotional mentions during the live events. # Reserved seating for up to 20 people per performance with a 10% discount on food (not alcohol) ordered during the concert event. # The right to place promotional materials including but not limited to pamphlets, business cards, etc., on tables during the events, subject to the approval of Park management. The Department of Parks is looking for up to twenty-five (25) sponsors to provide cash for paying for the bands that perform at the event.