Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Creation of Master Agreement Contracts for Road Salt for the State of Maine Municipalities. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: The sodium chloride shall conform to a chemical composition of a minimum of 95%. Variations of less than 95% but above 93% will result in acceptance at reduced payment as provided in Section III, Penalties and Price Adjustments. GRADING: Rock salt shall conform to the following particle size distribution specifications as determined by laboratory sieves: Passing a ½” sieve (12.50mm) 100% Passing a 3/8” sieve (9.50mm) 95% - 100% Passing a No. 4 sieve (4.75mm) 20% - 80% Passing a No 8 sieve (2.36mm) 10% - 50% Passing a No 30 sieve (0.60mm) 0% - 10% Because of restrictions used to calibrate salt on Department sanders, the 1/2” gradation requirement is critical. The contractor will be required to re-screen the sodium chloride for continued oversize deliveries. MOISTURE: Salt shall be in a free-flowing condition when received at the delivery location with a moisture content not to exceed 1%. ANTI-CAKING ADDITIVE: Salt shall be loose and free of lumps and shall contain not less than 20ppm of pure anti-caking agent. All bidders are required to identify type of anti-cake additive used in their product. Bidders are required to submit the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Product Information/Data Sheets to the State of Maine at the time of bid response.