Specifications include, but are not limited to: The scope of work shall consist of complete paint removal, encapsulation, enclosure, and/or whole component removal of lead-based paint hazards as identified in the lead based-paint inspection/risk report. Contractor Responsibilities: A. Contractor shall confirm that all furniture and personal belongings have to be removed from the house/work area prior to the start of the project. B. Contractor shall coordinate access to the home for any visual inspections and clearance sample testing to be performed. C. Contractor shall be responsible for completing all work specified in the Design Plan including any and all revisions made to the design for the purpose of the project within contract dates specified. This specifically includes the placement of the decontamination unit. D. Contractor shall perform an ASTM approved tape method before applying any encapsulating paint to a building component to ensure proper adhesion to the substrate. E. Contractor shall store debris in a secure area until final disposal. Dispose of in accordance with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s Lead Management Regulations. F. Contractor shall be financially responsible for all associated sampling costs such as administrator labor, travel, postage, and laboratory analysis of the dust samples if interim or final clearance samples failures.