Specifications include, but are not limited to: PHASE I: Concept/Preliminary Design: Aboveground vs. Underground Storage Tanks Identifying proposed approach for a fuel station layout with aboveground or underground storage tanks at the PWD. See attached pictures for PWD property layout. The deliverable shall provide a recommendation of either aboveground or underground storage tanks, sizes, at least two conceptual layouts, necessary electrical and communication equipment, etc. for the fuel tanks, Dispenser Island, and pumps as well as vehicle access needs. Close coordination with all Town entities that use the fueling station will be required as well as considerations for future changes to the PWD yard layout. Base Mapping: The Town of Merrimack will provide base mapping for the project area in the form of GIS that includes surface features, Town utilities and 1-ft contours. The base map will need to be supplemented by the consultant with additional information for other subsurface and overhead utilities. Upgrades and Coordination: The consultant will deliver a conceptual/preliminary plan with existing and proposed locations of all utilities underground and overhead. The consultant will develop a proposed approach to the sizing of the tanks, and establish alignment of the underground utilities. The consultant shall include identified improvements for other existing underground utilities including drainage and communication utilities. This will require close coordination with the Merrimack Public Works Department and other Town Departments as required. Meetings with Town Staff and Field Visits In addition to those meetings identified elsewhere in the work, meet as needed with the Town Public Works Department and Planning staff to review and discuss project design issues and complete the project in a satisfactory manner. The consultant shall be responsible for recording the events of these meetings and preparing minutes with a summary of action items for distribution. The consultant’s project manager shall take the lead in setting project meeting dates with Town staff, with all meeting dates to be established well in advance. Conduct field visits as necessary during the design phase.