Specifications include, but are not limited to: Provide and install Interactive Smartboard/Touch Screen Equipment turnkey solutions (AV category) and or supplemental Projector & TV equipment and services. Vendors shall be required to provide equipment and services in selected categories. 2.1. Must have ability to provide Turnkey System for all vendor categories, including: a. PROVIDE – supply as deliverable all essential components of a completely functional system as defined in the project scope document. b. ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS may include, but not be limited to, hardware, building wiring, portable carts “if applicable”, cables, cable management devices, mounting brackets, racks and software provided by the contractor. c. Installation shall include the assembly, installation, configuration and all components (connection cables, securing cables, mounting hardware, brackets, etc.) for proper operations. d. Perform power-up, initial system configuration, system diagnostics and confirm system equipment is functioning properly. e. Provide technical point of contact an overview (orientation) of the system and its operation. f. Dress (tie-wrap) all cables and arrange equipment to appropriate or designated areas. g. Clean room and all installed equipment to restore room to its original condition. h. Coordinate end user / system administrator training schedule. i. Supply the agency with all serial and model numbers as well as IP addresses “if applicable”. j. After installation, vendor will initiate all applicable warranties and maintenance agreements, as well as paperwork relative to invoicing.