Specifications include, but are not limited to: i. Provider(s) will provide the services proposed in their LFCP with any modifications that are mutually agreed upon and specified in a resulting agreement. ii. LFCPs can target specific populations and should identify them in their proposal(s), but at a minimum, the population served will be: • No younger than 14 and no older than 24 at the time of ; • Eligible to work in the United States; • Delaware Residents; iii. LFCP must be implemented in partnership or coordination with at least one Local Education Agency or Postsecondary Program. iv. Provider(s) will be responsible for utilizing or conducting assessments to determine participant’s likelihood for success in proposed program. This can include academic, career interests, and service needs. This includes the Student Success Plan completed in Delaware’s secondary schools. v. Provider(s) will enter required data into the Delaware JobLink system (https://joblink.delaware.gov) for participant tracking and outcome reporting. LFCP’s budgets, when submitted, should reflect staffing to complete this task. requirement vi. Provider(s) will utilize Delaware JobLink to maximize participants’ job search and placement, if applicable. At a minimum, participants will create a Jobseeker account in Delaware JobLink (DJL) (https://joblink.delaware.gov). vii. Funds will be provided on a cost reimbursement basis. Monthly financial reports will trigger payments. Delaware will require a line-item budget as part of the proposal. The approved budget will be incorporated into the executed contract. viii. Provider(s) will be required to submit monthly financial reports on the form prescribed, satisfactorily completed, within twelve (12) calendar days of the close of the reporting period to Delaware. When requesting reimbursement through the submission of the monthly financial report, all reported expenditures must be in accordance with the approved budgeted attached to the resulting agreement and the Provider shall have detailed supporting documentation for all expenditures. ix. No payments for services be made in advance of the work performed. x. Budgets that include tuition may be allowed when documentation of the following conditions is provided: tuition charges or entrance fees are not more than the education institution’s catalog price, are necessary to receive specific training, and the training is open to and attended by the general public. When requesting reimbursement for tuition, Private Business and Trade Schools must comply with the Department of Education Private Business and Trade Schools Refund policy. xi. Funds shall be used to implement the LFCPs. This includes programming, training, paid work experiences to participants and may include items such as (see line-item budget in Appendix B): • Staff salary and fringe • Assessments • Certifications • Tuition • Employer Training • Participant Training • Participant Wages • Participant Fringes • Supportive Services to participants • Training/Learning Materials • Space