Specifications include, but are not limited to: This work involves hydrologic and hydraulic studies of drainage basins and streams to define the most practicable solutions for all hydraulic related issues in floodplains, bodies of water, rivers and streams, drainageways, and wetland areas. This may include: a. Hydrologic studies related to highway drainage facilities and floodplains b. Hydraulic design of bridges, culverts, flumes, ditches, channels, energy dissipators, and storm sewer systems c. Hydraulic design of stormwater detention facilities d. Design of stormwater treatment facilities for projects within MS4 communities e. Hydrologic and Hydraulic analysis and design of wetland mitigation and bank sites f. Floodplain analysis and certification including “Certification of Compliance”, floodplain permitting, and floodplain Professionally Qualified Staff (PQS) memo for NEPA document for different types of highway projects with work performed within a mapped or unmapped floodplain