Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is seeking proposals for nursing home appraisal services and intends to use the results of this process to award a Contract to a commercial estimator to provide Un-depreciated Replacement Costs (URC) and Depreciated Replacement Costs (DRC) to determine the appraised value of the Nursing Homes under Wisconsin Medicaid. DHS estimates the Vendor awarded this Contract will be responsible to perform on-site appraisals of defined property characteristics of approximately One Hundred Sixteen (116) Medicaid-certified nursing homes in each year for a total of approximately Three Hundred Forty-eight (348) nursing home appraisals throughout the State of Wisconsin over the course of a three-year cycle. The Vendor is also responsible to prepare value updates for all nursing homes not subject to on-site appraisal in a particular calendar year. Most of the work will take place starting in January of each year, with all required appraisal reports submitted and value updates completed by June 30 of each year. The Vendor is responsible to calculate both the undepreciated replacement cost and the depreciated replacement cost of each nursing home. Land values are not included in the valuations, and the appraisals do not include a sales comparison approach or income approach...