Specifications include, but are not limited to: The proposed work includes inspection of first aid kits in all NHDOT building facility locations statewide to include patrol sheds, State vehicles and heavy equipment. Existing kits suitable for replenishment will be restocked by the vendor. Missing kits and those not suitable for reuse will be replaced with kits purchased by NHDOT from a Materials Repair and Operations (MRO) State Contract. a. A vendor MUST physically visit and deliver/restock/replenish cabinets and kits to be sure they are complying with ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021 Class A or Class B and maintain inventory and expiration dates. It is the Vendor’s responsibility to provide on–site assessment and compliance. b. A vendor MUST clean, organize, and restock the first aid kits in vehicles, heavy equipment and building cabinets at each location. c. Vendor shall supply all labor, tools, transportation, materials, and equipment as necessary and required to perform services to clean, organize and restock the cabinets at each location. d. The District or Bureau Safety & Environmental Coordinator will be the point of contact for Patrol Sheds, Satellite Garages, or all sub locations within their area of responsibility. e. If additional site visits or items are needed, coordination will be directly with District/Bureau Safety & Environmental Coordinator. f. Product items and cabinets are the property of the NHDOT. Restocking and/or removal of product should only be upon expiration. Should there be an excess of inventory or change of contract at the beginning or end of a contract, the items in the cabinet are not to be removed or taken back if not expired. g. Throughout the contract, the vendor agrees to add or remove service locations; and the number of kits per location to be serviced may be added to or removed. h. All personnel shall observe all regulations or special restrictions in effect at the NHDOT Bureau or District location. The Vendor’s personnel shall be allowed only in areas where services are being performed. The use of State telephones is prohibited.