The Town of Pittsford is seeking bids for replacement of an existing road culvert with a squashed culvert with baffles installed. The culvert is located on Whipple Hollow Road TH#8. This is considered a culvert upsize project. This project will be partially funded by a VTrans “Better Roads” grant. The necessary stream alteration permit is already in hand and the Town will work with the Contractor to secure the needed wetlands permit from the State. Contractor is responsible for supplying all labor, materials, trucks, equipment, erosion control measures, dust control measures, signage, traffic control, excavation and removal of the existing culvert, purchase and installation of the new squashed pipe including the sediment retention baffles, back-filling and compaction in 12” inch lifts, using any suitable existing material and removing and disposing of any unsuitable material. For any additional materials needed for back filling and building the road bed, the Contractor will use State-specification material. Contractor will use 3 ½” inch minus dense grade material for back-filling first layers and 1 ½” inch minus material for last 12” inches of back-fill. Contractor will be responsible for hauling all material and road improvements such as finish grades, slopes, grass seed and mulch and patching road with a 3” inch asphalt base (3/4” mix) and a 1 ¼” topcoat (1/2” mix). The specifications for the squashed pipe are 81”x 59” squashed pipe with sediment retention baffles and embedded 18” with no infill of E-stone. The straight baffles need to be 1’ high at the center and evenly spaced every 15 feet, starting 5 feet from the inlet end of the pipe. Work must be completed before October 15, 2024. All work and materials will be guaranteed for one (1) year.