Specifications include, but are not limited to: The scope of work consists of the milling of 1.5-inches of asphalt and overlay of 1.5-inches of hot mix asphalt to the roads listed in Exhibit A. Remove asphaltic pavement by milling at the location(s) and to the thickness(es) shown on Exhibit A and disposing, hauling, salvaging, stockpiling or reusing of the milled materials on the Project Site. Mill the existing asphaltic pavement until 100 percent of the millings pass the 1 ½ inch sieve. Windrow or load material as construction operations dictate. Milling materials shall be: Hauled to a location designated by the Owner with millings to remain the property of the Owner. Excess milling material shall: Remain the property of the Owner and be hauled to a location as designated by the Owner.