Specifications include, but are not limited to: To be eligible for Municipal Solar Grant Program funding, proposers must meet the following minimum requirements: 1. A proposer shall be an individual New Hampshire city or town that proposes a new ground-mounted, parking canopy-mounted, or rooftop solar electricity/photovoltaic system that exclusively serves the electrical load of municipally owned buildings within the same city or town. 2. Proposed solar electricity/photovoltaic systems shall not exceed 60 kW DC in total installed capacity and shall serve no more than 125% of the electrical load of all participating municipally owned buildings based on 2023 calendar year data. 3. The proposed project shall have a Solar Site Survey completed and showing (at a minimum) 80% insolation. 4. Proposers shall wholly own the project site location and any buildings that benefit from the project. 5. Projects shall be physically located in New Hampshire and within the geographic boundaries of the municipality proposing a project. Any point of grid interconnection shall also be in New Hampshire...