Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification. The investigator is a licensed attorney who has specialized in neutral investigative work and education law matters for thirteen (13) years. They have experience with North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, Office of Special Education, in the role of an investigator for complaints under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The investigator also developed the Education Law Practice Group at their law firm, providing legal counsel in special education; school board training; contract drafting and review; employment issues; teacher and student inquiries; open meeting/records law; due process hearings under IDEA; contract nonrenewal and discharge administrative hearings; and any related school board or other administrative matters. They have diversity in experience by also practicing in employment and labor law, providing legal counsel to political subdivisions (including school districts, cities, and counties), businesses, non-profits, hospitals/clinics in the areas of general human resources counseling; contract and policy drafting; board training; non-discrimination; document preparation and review; and general counsel.