Specifications include, but are not limited to: RFPs for the rate study must include: • Project Team • Related solid waste rate study experience to include transfer station tipping fees, residential assessments, commercial rates, recycling route charges and miscellaneous solid waste rates/fees. • Approach to effectively analyze and compare commercial solid waste hauling and disposal rates to include front load service (2yd to 8yd), automated side load service (90gal and 300 gal), and roll-off service (10yd to 40 yd) for a six day per week service; • Approach to effectively analyze and compare residential solid waste hauling and disposal rates to include automated side load service (90gal, 200gal, 300 gal) for a five day per week service; • Approach to effectively analyze and compare curbside recycling (26 gal, 35 gal, 64 gal) to include single stream, source separated, green waste and food waste route service on a biweekly basis; • Approach to develop new, or continue with current transfer station, residential and commercial rate structures and other feesthat will adequately and equitably fund the annual operations and maintenance of the solid waste system, including the cost of capital improvements, debt service and required bond reserves; • Approach to compare solid waste rates for transfer station tipping fees, residential assessments, commercial rates, and curbside recycling costs statewide, regionally or to industry standards. • Approach to effectively analyze costs associated with the City of Helena composting program.