Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1.1 The selected Contractor will be expected to provide disaster debris monitoring services to include debris generated from the public rights-of-way, public property, drainage areas, waterways, and other areas designated as eligible by the City. 1.2 The selected Contractor must monitor all debris removal operations, beginning on the date when the City requests the services and ending when the City advises that the services are no longer required for that time period. 1.3 The Contractor shall furnish all Contractor employees with all applicable and necessary PPE to protect them and the citizen of the City. 1.4 The Contractor shall coordinate or prepare daily briefings to share information regarding work progress, staffing, and other key items with the City. • Daily briefing should be for the current day (separate from and in addition to a report of work completed the previous day) and should include the number of cut trucks, number of haul trucks, roads projected to be worked, number of monitors (all staff) working that day. • Previous day’s report should include debris and cuts to date, projected total cuts, collection, processing and haul out, along with percent completed in each category. 1.5 Support with the selection and permitting of Temporary Debris Storage and Reduction Site (TDSRS). This may include site selection and other permitting / regulatory issues as requested. 1.6 Coordinating with debris contractors along with scheduling work for team members and contractors on an efficient and cost-effective daily basis. Any monitors who bill but do not have more than two (2) tickets a day may be subject to additional documentation of services rendered prior to payment of invoice.