Specifications include, but are not limited to: This project Design and Construction is funded by the State of Arizona Legislative Funding. The Second Bridge and Roadway network have been determined to be needed for Emergency Evacuation and Emergency Access to serve the isolated Island Community should the London Bridge and utilities within the superstructure be deemed unpassable or unusable. The Second Bridge will provide a secondary alternate route. The proposed 3 lane Second Bridge and connecting roadway alignments have been presented in the Draft Second Bridge Feasibility Study dated May 31, 2024. The Second Bridge Project will consist of a 3-lane bridge and connecting roadway alignments from Palo Verde South at London Bridge Road to the new bridge and from the new bridge to McCulloch Boulevard on the Island. Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will be incorporated into the bridge for connectivity to the existing multi-use paths on the Island, at McCulloch, and on the mainland side to the Bridgewater Channel Pathway and the London Bridge Road Bike Lane and Pedestrian system. The connecting roadway alignments must have little to no impact on private properties.