a. Contractor to provide all equipment, material, and labor for the project. Work to be completed by certified abatement technicians using proper PPE equipment. Abatement shall be in accordance with all local, state, and federal rules and regulations, as well as EPA, OSHA, and Air Quality Control. b. Asbestos material to be documented and deposited into a state approved landfill that accepts asbestos material. A copy of the documentation along with manifest log will be given to Daviess County Fiscal Court at the time of invoicing. c. Owner to provide access to work areas and utilities. d. Contractor to remove carpet, floor tile, ceramic tile, and mastic from 2nd floor area renovation of the Daviess County Courthouse on drawing depicting 2nd floor highlighted area. e. Contractor to remove carpet/floor tile and mastic on the 1st floor of the Davies County Courthouse Clerk area on drawing depicting 1st floor highlighted area. f. Contractor to remove carpet/floor tile and mastic on the 1st floor of the Daviess County Courthouse Sheriff Office area on drawing depicting 1st floor highlighted area. g. Pipe joint abatement shall include a per joint price removal. A minimum of 60 pipe joints shall be used for calculating pipe joint removal cost. h. Work shall be done after-hours/weekends. Abatement work will be scheduled through Courthouse renovation general contractor and will be done in phases. i. Low Odor Mastic Remover (VOC compliant shall be used for the project).