Specifications include, but are not limited to: (1.a) Hauling sludge from the Quechee Wastewater Department to the White River Wastewater Plant for up to two times per month at an average of 24,000/gallons each day of hauling or 48,000 gallons per month. There may be 3 months out of the year that an additional hauling of 24,000 gallons is necessary. The total maximum estimated yearly hauling of sludge is estimated as follows: 8 months x 48,000 gallons + 3 months x 72,000 gallons = 600,000 gallons per year. The selected contractor shall load the sludge with their equipment beginning between 6:30 AM and 7:30 AM and deliver it to the sludge holding tank at the WR Wastewater Plant which accepts deliveries until 2:30 PM. (1.b) Grease removal at the main Quechee pump station once a month. The pump station is located near the Quechee Covered Bridge.