One of the primary goals in administering this contract is to keep accurate records regarding its actual value/usage. This information is essential in order to update the contents of the contract and to establish proper bonding levels if they are required. The integrity of future contracts revolves around our ability to convey accurate and realistic information to all interested parties. A complete and accurate Usage Report (Attachment 7) shall be furnished in an Excel format and submitted electronically, no later than the 15th (or next business day after the 15th day) of each month, detailing the purchasing of all items and/or services on this contract. The reports shall be completed in Excel format, using the template provided, and submitted as an attachment to Trenda Broadnax, with a copy going to the contract officer identified as your point of contact. Submitted reports shall cover the full month (Report due by January 15th will cover the period of December 1 – 31.), contain accurate descriptions of the products, goods or services procured, purchasing agency information, quantities procured and prices paid. Reports are required monthly, including those with “no spend”. Any exception to this mandatory requirement or failure to submit complete reports, or in the format required, may result in corrective action, up to and including the possible cancellation of the award. Failure to provide the report with the minimum required information may also negate any contract extension clauses. Additionally, Vendors who are determined to be in default of this mandatory report requirement may have such conduct considered against them, in assessment of responsibility, in the evaluation of future proposals.